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Anna Spjuth is returning to key role in new Strawberry

Anna Spjuth is returning to key role in new Strawberry

Anna Spjuth will lead the branding- and concept development of the chain hotels at Strawberry.
With great ambitions for the rebranding of Nordic Choice Hotels to Strawberry, a new position as Senior Vice President Brand & Concept for the chain hotels has been created.
– It is fantastic to welcome Anna Spjuth back. Anna took Comfort Hotel in a clear direction which has resulted in it bei

NEW PARTNERSHIP: The four Fortress Hotels, including Torreby Castle, will join Nordic Choice Hotels in a strategic partnership.

The Fortress Hotels are entering into a strategic partnership with the new Strawberry

Nordic Choice Hotels, which as of this year, are changing their name to Strawberry, will add four unique additions to their portfolio, when the Fortress Hotels enters into a distribution partnership. The four hotels in the Fortress Hotels group are Oscarsborg Fortress, Kongsvinger Fortress and Reenskaug Hotel in Norway and Torreby Castle in Sweden.

2 million NOK in EU support when Nordic Choice Hotels participates in projects to investigate how social norms affect food waste.

2 million NOK in EU support when Nordic Choice Hotels participates in projects to investigate how social norms affect food waste.

Within the EU project CHORIZO, various projects are carried out to obtain information and data about guests' behavior with the aim of reducing food waste in hotels. By systematizing and making available the results from the study, the ambition is to be able to contribute to a reduced climate impact on a large scale together with other players in the industry.
The project is a large EU project w

Dianne Robillos

Nordic Choice Hotels recruits to personalize the guest journey through data, analytics and insight

Nordic Choice Hotels has been looking beyond national borders for a global player to accelerate its data-driven way of working, with a focus on the guest journey and guest satisfaction. The role ultimately fell to Dianne Robillos, who in December assumed the new position as VP Personalization, Data & Insights.
Dianne most recently comes from a similar role at Qatar Airways where she enabled

NEW COO: Erika Ehrnrooth has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer Finland at Nordic Choice Hotels.

Nordic Choice Hotels recruits new Chief Operating Officer in Finland

To succeed on the ambitions for further growth in the Finnish market, the hotel company has created a new position as Chief Operating Officer in Finland.
After acquiring Kämp Collection Hotels, the most unique hotel portfolio in Finland, in 2019, Helsinki has become the third biggest market for Nordic Choice Hotels after Oslo and Stockholm. With two more hotel projects at Helsinki Vantaa Airpor

Comfort Hotel Solna, zero energy hotel. Photo: Lasse Olsson

Nordic Choice Hotels launches climate fund to accelerate their sustainability work

The fund, which will be launched in April, is intended to finance the development of climate-friendly solutions for the hotel industry with the aim of creating a greener future. In connection with the launch of the fund, Nordic Choice Hotels offers its guests to contribute by pass on room cleaning during their stay at the hotels under a concept called Green Stay.
Refraining from cleaning has a

Back in business: Nordic Choice Hotels recovered quickly after a cyberattack in December.

Revolutionary computer fleet renewal by Nordic Choice Hotels after cyberattack

After systems and computers were affected by a big virus attack in December, Nordic Choice Hotels needed to renew the computer fleet. But instead of buying new hardware, existing PCs were converted to CloudReady from Google, which delivers a Chrome OS experience.
As one of many larger companies lately, Nordic Choice Hotels experienced a serious virus attack by criminals in December. The attack

Update 6 December on the virus attack on Nordic Choice Hotels' IT systems

Update 6 December on the virus attack on Nordic Choice Hotels' IT systems

In the wake of the virus attack on the night of 2 December, Nordic Choice Hotels has over the weekend worked to map the extent of the virus attack on the IT systems.
On the night of 2 December, Nordic Choice Hotels was hit by a virus attack on our IT systems. The virus infected systems for bookings, check-in and check-out, as well as payment solutions. After the incident, we have worked around

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